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Number of sources

Hybrid Optimization: The Ten Years of Cpaior:In Search of Empire: The French in the Americas, 1670-1730:Design news, Volume 60,Nummers 14-18:El Alamein 1942: The Story of the Battle in the Words of the:Advances in design automation, 1990: presented at the 1990 ASME:Ebony:An Administrator's Guide to Online Education:Ethics Expertise: History, Contemporary Perspectives, And

Most recent models

The Grove Press Reader, 1951-2001:Compositio mathematica, Volume 144,Nummers 1-2:Ecology of the Shortgrass Steppe: A Long-Term Perspective:Analytic Geometry:A world of difference: readings on teaching young children in a:Multiphase Biomedical Materials:Proceedings of the British Academy: Volume 130: Biographical Memoirs

Certain records

na:The Online Genealogy Handbook:Footprints in the Soil: People And Ideas in Soil History:Contemporary Fiction:Ground-based astronomy in Asia: proceedings of third East- Asian:The 10 Best Decisions a Couple Can Make:Dissertation abstracts international: The sciences and engineering,:Etchings in an Hourglass: A Sequel to Bronx Primitive and a Wider:The Critical Quarterly, Volume 20:Orbital mechanics and mission design: proceedings of an AAS/NASA

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